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How notifications work

Notifications are a key part of Indent. They enable users to stay informed about the status of petitions and reviewers to take quick action on requests.

Using Slack

Indent can send notifications to a Slack channel. To enable this, you'll need to connect your Slack workspace to Indent. Once connected, you can choose which channel to send notifications to when certain resources are requested.

Using Email

By default, if no Slack workspace is connected, Indent will send email notifications to the user or reviwer. If you'd like to turn off email notifications, go to your account's Config and disable the "Send Email Notifications" option.

Using Custom API

If you want to implement custom notification logic, you can create an Indent Webhook to handle your own notifications. Here are some examples:

  • Send custom email template that supports approving via reply for certain resources and users
  • Send MFA push notification for reviewer to approve using third party like Duo or Okta
  • Send email with Adaptive Card for users to approve directly from Outlook