
Workspace collaboration from Google

Learn about the Indent + Google integration

Google Workspace provides a cloud collaboration platform for your entire company. Indent works with Google Workspace to manage access to Google Groups and Google Cloud Resources.

Indent lets you manage access to Google Groups, or you can write your own webhook to fit your internal business use cases.

Use cases

Common use cases for Google with Indent include:

How it works

You can set up the Google integration with Indent in a few minutes:

  • Select Google from the Indent dashboard catalog
  • Deploy the integration for reading and managing resources with Indent
  • Configure your policies from the Indent dashboard
  • You're done! Share how to request access with your team in one click

Get a demo of the Indent + Google — schedule now →

We use Indent at Reclaim and have awesome production access workflows (paired with Tailscale). Indent makes being SOC2 compliant not a drag.
Patrick Lightbody, Co-Founder/CTO @ Reclaim
Read more from Stevan Arychuk, Head of SRE, on the Tailscale Blog

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