Indent raises $5.6m for on-demand access control

3 years ago
Written by
Fouad Matin
Dan Gillespie

After three years of research and development with leading IT and security teams, we repeatedly found that companies struggle with access requests and reviews due to insufficient context, slow approvals, and over-provisioned users.

Today, we’re announcing Indent: a service to automate and route access approvals across your team. Indent provides on-demand access control for everyone in a company to what they need, when they need it.

When an engineer needs to view production server logs or customer support needs admin privileges in a sensitive system, they can use Indent’s apps to request access without IT for help.

Reviewers are messaged on Slack and can approve directly from there, then once the time expires access is automatically revoked.

We’re also excited to announce that we’ve raised a $5.6 million seed round led by Shardul Shah (Index Ventures), Kevin Mahaffey (Lookout CTO) and Swift Ventures among a few other notable investors.

As teams scale, more employees need access to a growing number of services where approvals can take days, weeks or months. The easiest way to get access is rarely the right way, leading to security concerns, but when it’s business critical, that sometimes it can be the difference between getting back to a customer in a few hours or even a few days.

This is complex - many companies use at least a few dozen apps across different teams for critical services, collaboration or customer data processing, and each app has dozens of different potential roles or sub-permissions. It can easily get out-of-hand.

  • If you’re on the IT team, you’re caught in the line of fire, with different permission granting systems for multiple applications. You’re debugging permissions, and hoping it’ll just work this time.
  • If you’re on the security or compliance team, this is terrifying! You know that users are likely over-provisioned but can’t reduce access where that’s the case without threatening business operations or disrupting someone’s everyday workflow.
  • If you’re part of a business team or a developer, it can be very hard to figure out how to get the access you need––to a customer support thread, virtual machine, admin dashboard, or myriad other restricted tools–– while doing your work. Good luck trying to get access to the right tool. And if you’re a manager caught in meetings, it’s too easy to either miss critical requests from your team or have insufficient context so act as a rubber stamp approval to unblock them.

We built Indent to provide teams with the easiest, safest way to democratize access management and accountability.

Our customers already benefit by using Indent:

  • For IT teams, our API and Dashboard take the guesswork out of permissions management and provide simple self-service controls for managing complex approval routing.
  • For security and compliance teams, our automatic continuous access reviews and audit log collection simplify compliance certifications.
  • For business teams and developers, our apps and chat integrations can enable access requests to be approved within seconds -- even when they depend on multiple approvers.

For now, you still need to request access to Indent - like your internal systems! Make your first request at - we promise it will be fast and easy.

Notable Investors

We're grateful to work with a phenomenal set of investors:

Sam Altman (OpenAI), Dylan Field (Figma), Alex Stamos (ex-Facebook CSO), Gerhard Eschelbeck (ex-Google CSO), Olivier Pomel, Alexis Lê-Quôc & Amit Agarwal (Datadog), April Underwood (Nearby/ex-Slack), Jack Altman, Eric Koslow & J Zac Stein (Lattice), Cristina Cordova (ex-Notion/Stripe), Andrew Peterson & Zane Lacky (Signal Sciences), Maya Kaczorowski (Tailscale) and many more...

Try Indent for free.