Scan your stack in under
one minute with Indent.

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Trusted by forward-thinking companies

How many sensitive groups are left open?

Prioritize at-risk groups with insecure default settings or misconfigurations.
  • Fix the obvious: Indent will auto-categorize the resource in your stack and suggest risk levels. For example, do you know if the exec@ group visible to everyone?
  • Automated guidance: Review potential violations for settings that don’t match the group’s risk level.

Quickly fix gaps and security settings

View recommended configurations and remediate issues in a few minutes.
  • Security recommendations: See group settings recommendations based on their sensitivity level
  • Auto-remediation: Indent will automatically remediate misconfigured group settings (Coming soon!)

Get your report in 3 simple steps

  1. Sign into your Indent account
  2. Enable notifications via Slack or Email
  3. Add Indent to your Google Workspace
By clicking “Scan” above, you acknowledge that you have read and understood, and agree to Indent's Terms & Conditions and Privacy Statement.
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